I’ve received a number of so sweet requests to come talk to book clubs who are reading The Last Best Cure, or join in small group chats, and answer questions about both the book and my journey.

I treasure meeting my readers — there is nothing, really, that I love more about what I do than that moment of connection when I meet readers face to face. You all humble me, in the way you meet your own challenges with such grace and dignity and humility and determination.

Yes, women with chronic conditions may be fatigued, but I find my readers to be an extraordinary force of nature.

Like many of you who have chronic conditions, lots of travel can be hard on my system. That, coupled with my keen desire to be fully present on the homefront with my teenagers as much as possible (my oldest leaves for college in the fall!) means I can’t plane hop as much as I’d like to to meet the wonderful groups of amazing women who are gathering to talk about The Last Best Cure from Albany to Chicago to Vancouver. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be there.

So, here’s my offer. If you are planning to read The Last Best Cure for your book club, and gather a group of say 10 women or more who are reading the book, I’ll “drop in” by Skype or speaker phone or whatever works best for you — and we can have that “small group chat.” I’d love to.

And since it’s nice to have signed books, I’ll send signed The Last Best Cure “Book Club Bookplates” to book clubs (like all bookplates, they adhere to the page) so you’ll have author signed copies.

Let me know what you think of my virtual book club tour idea! Any ideas to improve upon this concept? I’d love to hear.  If you reach out to me and let me know you’d like to schedule a date, we can follow up by email.

5 Responses

  1. Hi Donna! First I want to say that I recently discovered and devoured ‘The Autoimmune Epidemic’ and have been sharing it ever since. All I can say is WOW, it blew my mind! My only regret is not having read it back in 2008 when I was diagnosed with lupus after a six year quest involving allergy shots, vaccines, viruses, heavy metals and multiple autoimmune conditions following. Your work has helped to connect the dots for me, and I believe it’s a message we must continue to spread. Thanks for providing an invaluable tool to make that possible.

    With that said I’m a dietitian that promotes whole clean foods and techniques for reclaiming our health. I can’t wait to delve into The Last Best Cure! I’m planning to rally up my audience to form a book club, and would LOVE to have a Skype session once we’ve had a chance to work through the material.

    Thanks for this wonderful opportunity! ~Elisa

    1. Hi Elisa! Thanks for all of your kind words, I’m so glad that The Autoimmune Epidemic has been helpful and I hope The Last Best Cure is helpful to you as well. Happy to put you and your audience on The Last Best Cure Virtual Book Club Tour and look forward to it!

      1. Nice to hear from you Donna, and I’m certain that I’ll enjoy The Last Best Cure. I’m looking to give my crew tentative dates. I’m thinking of doing each of the 4 parts of the book over 4 weeks, and having a chat with you on the 5th week. Any idea when I should plan for a call with you? Thanks for your time and feedback. 🙂

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