There is a big moment in every author’s life, and it happens only once, with each book we publish. Today my friendly UPS guy knocked on the front door and smiled as he handed me a package. I peered at the return label and saw my publisher’s address: 375 Hudson Street, Hudson Street Press. I ripped open the package. It was here! The very thing I’d been imagining holding in my hands for the past two years — ever since I first started researching the up-to-the-minute neuroscience on how we can activate the healing responses of the brain and enhance our path to joy and well-being!
And here it is, right now, right here in my kitchen, in my hands: the very first first copy of The Last Best Cure: My Quest to Awaken the Healing Parts of my Brain and Get Back My Body, My Joy and My Life.
The postman just brought me my advance copy of The Last Best Cure! Hot off the presses! And this is Countdown Reason # 36 why I wrote The Last Best Cure. So that the cutting edge research on how our brains are our last best cure could make its way right into your hands. Pretty soon, in 36 days, The Last Best Cure will hit stores everywhere.
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