Do you feel you have enough connection and community in your life?
I’ve been missing it. My family and lifelong friends fulfill my longing for deep personal connection but sometimes – especially in an era of digital overwhelm, fraught interactions on social media, and a work life of Zoom meetings – I miss having a wider community that is deep, warm, welcoming.
After much thought and deliberation, I have launched a Substack dedicated to exploring the powerful connections between our emotions, trauma, and health. I’m excited about this new platform and truly hope that you all are just as eager to follow along for more in depth content.
My personal story of childhood trauma & illness
To kick off this new venture, I am sharing a deeply personal story over on Substack that has profoundly shaped my understanding of health and resilience. When I was twelve, my father’s sudden passing set off a chain reaction of health issues, from fainting spells to seizures, and later, an autoimmune disorder. It wasn’t until a compassionate physician asked me about childhood trauma that I began to see the connections between my early experiences and my adult health.
Studies have shown that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or childhood traumas can reset our stress responses to “high” for life, leading to chronic inflammation and a host of health issues. My journey has been one of understanding these links, learning how to heal, and sharing what I’ve learned along the way from my conversations with the best experts and scientists in the field. As I’ve shared in the past, one tactic that has provided enormous benefit has been journaling – so much so that I actually wrote a book called the Adverse Childhood Experiences Guided Journal (available now wherever books are sold!).
New Healing Community on Substack
I invite you to read the full article for free on my new Substack. This space will be dedicated to sharing insights, stories, and science-based strategies to help you on your own path to healing and resilience.
Thank you for being part of this journey, and I look forward to engaging with you over email, via social and now on Substack!