Joy and Contentment Quotient Inventory (JCQ-Inventory)
by Donna Jackson Nakazawa and Marla Sanzone, PhD

Image Source: Pixabay
The Joy and Contentment Quotient Inventory* was originally designed by Marla Sanzone, PhD, and me, as a tool to help you focus on where you are now in terms of the degree of calm, peace, and joy that you’re able to feel in your daily life, and how able you are to be present and feel a deep sense of contentment in your current lived experience.
Select 1–10, according to the degree to which each statement applies to you or accurately describes your recent (past three months) perception(s).
1 = does not apply to me much at all / hardly describes my perception at all.
10 = nearly completely describes my perception / applies to me.
[*Created by Jackson Nakazawa, D. and Sanzone, M. 2013.
First Published in The Last Best Cure by Donna Jackson Nakazawa. New York: Hudson Street Press.]
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