Joy and Contentment Quotient Inventory (JCQ-Inventory)

by Donna Jackson Nakazawa and Marla Sanzone, PhD

joy contentment survey

Image Source: Pixabay

The Joy and Contentment Quotient Inventory* was originally designed by Marla Sanzone, PhD, and me, as a tool to help you focus on where you are now in terms of the degree of calm, peace, and joy that you’re able to feel in your daily life, and how able you are to be present and feel a deep sense of contentment in your current lived experience.

Select 1–10, according to the degree to which each statement applies to you or accurately describes your recent (past three months) perception(s).

1 = does not apply to me much at all / hardly describes my perception at all.
10 = nearly completely describes my perception / applies to me.

1. I feel deserving of a calm mind and a joyful life.


2. I am more self-critical and judgmental than I wish I were.


3. I recognize and value the unique contributions I bring to the world.


4. In general, my negative feelings and thoughts impact my ability to fully engage with my life, including but not limited to people and situations or events.


5. I am more critical and judgmental of others than I wish I were.


6. I am touched or moved emotionally by things in my environment every day that remind me of the goodness around me.


7. Generally speaking, my feelings or emotional states overwhelm me.


8. At least once a week, I allow myself to be spontaneous and playful without feeling guilty, despite my daily obligations and responsibilities.


9. My feelings provide me information, but they do not control me nor my decisions.


10. In going about my daily routine, I have difficulty being productive or completing necessary tasks without detaching from or shutting off my emotions.


11. I know specific things I want or need to change in my life, but I have a hard time putting forth sufficient effort to effectively implement them.


12. I am open to new and different interpretations of my experiences.


Question 1 of 12

[*Created by Jackson Nakazawa, D. and Sanzone, M. 2013.
First Published in The Last Best Cure by Donna Jackson Nakazawa. New York: Hudson Street Press.]

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Books by Donna Jackson Nakazawa

the adverse childhood experiences guided journal
Girls on the Brink

Neuroscience-based programs taught at top universities around the country.

Your Healing Narrative
Write-to-Heal With Neural Re-NarratingTM

Breaking Free From Trauma
3-hour self-paced workshop

The Angel and the Assassin

by Donna Jackson Nakazawa


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