Donna’s Blog: Writing to Heal

Two Wise Teachers

Photo credits to my daughter, Claire who took this photo during a snowy walk this weekend as we ventured into the woods and stream behind our house.

I spent this weekend at a two day meditation event with one of my dearest friends, and together we soaked in the amazing wisdom of Syliva Boorstein and Sharon Salzberg, who came together to teach as a duo on this snowy, rainy weekend in Washington DC.

My favorite nuggets:

Sylvia Boorstein’s teaching, “May I meet this moment fully, May I not complicate it, May I meet it as a friend.”

Sharon Salzberg’s teaching: “The most important moment of meditation is the moment you sit down to do it.”

And Syliva Boorstein’s teaching about how to handle being in busy, harried family life and not lose one’s hard won peace in the midst of it: “Try not to fall into other people’s states of mind.” I find this really wise as I raise teenagers…

My deepest gratitude to these two wise teachers.

I am particularly grateful that at the end, I received the joyful gift of a warm hug from Sylvia Boorstein, who was so kind to say such lovely things about The Last Best Cure when it came out last spring. As I told my friend Elizabeth, who is one of those wonderful kinds of friends who always keeps me honest with myself, as I grow older, I hope to become more like Sylvia Boorstein — she pretty much glows with metta. And to please remind me, when I am overreactive and small of mind, by saying, “Remember, you want to glow like Syliva Boorstein.”

Sometimes, just to meet someone whom you admire so much, whose teachings you follow, and to see how their presence changes those around them — because their compassion and loving kindness comes from such a deep wellspring the whole room can sip from it — well, that is a teaching in and of itself. Thank you Sylvia Boorstein and Sharon Salzberg (whose fabulous new book is just out, Real Happiness at Work).

Donna’s Online Courses

For Individuals
Your Healing Narrative
Write-to-Heal With Neural Re-NarratingTM
3-hour writing-to-heal workshop
Breaking Free From Trauma
3-hour self-paced workshop

More Books by Donna

Photo Copyright © Marshall Clarke

About the Author

Donna Jackson Nakazawa is an award-winning science journalist and speaker whose work explores the intersection of neuroscience and human emotion. Her books include Girls on the Brink, Childhood Disruptedand The Angel and the Assassin. Her newest book, The Adverse Childhood Experiences Guided Journal, is available wherever books are sold. 

Special Note from Donna:

I’d love for you to join our growing community on Substack, where we’re exploring the deep connections between emotions, trauma, and health. Right now, all my articles are free, and it’s a great time to get involved as we shape this supportive space together. In the future, I’ll be offering specialized services for a fee, but for now, your presence and engagement mean the world to me. I hope you’ll consider following and supporting my work as we build something meaningful together.

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More from Donna's Blog: Writing to Heal

  • All Posts
  • Angel and the Assassin
  • Childhood Disrupted
  • Chronic Illness
  • holiday stress
  • Neural Re-Narrating™️
  • The Adverse Childhood Experiences Guided Journal
  • The Last Best Cure
  • Unhealed trauma
  • Writing to Heal
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The Angel and the Assassin

by Donna Jackson Nakazawa


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