photo of yellow tulipsI’ve heard from so many of you who’ve reached out to share your well-wishes, as we get close to THE LAST BEST CURE hitting bookstores (both real and online) and becoming available for download. Just 36 hours to go!  I’m SO grateful for your enthusiasm and support. Just today, I’ve heard from a number of people who are setting up readings and book signings (stay tuned for details), from early reviewers, and from fellow authors, dear friends, and readers whose support means the world to me. Thank you. I feel such gratitude, and I happen to know, after a year of researching and test-driving how state of mind affects our neurobiology and physiology, that both extending well-wishes and feeling gratitude are healing for our brains, and for our cells. Thanks for reaching out — I can’t wait for the book to arrive in your hands.

P.S. Don’t forget! February 21st is not only pubdate, it’s the day we announce the winners of the giveaway raffle — 5 books are going out to 5 people who’ve posted on my blog — so if you haven’t yet, post on my blog now for a chance to win a free book!

One Response

  1. Looking forward to reading about your journey and gaining more insight into positively altering the lives of autoimmune disorder sufferers.

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