I really enjoyed a great discussion today with Dan Rodricks, the host of the NPR show, Midday, on WYPR, Baltimore’s Public Radio station. Dan is smart, genuine, and asks great questions. We really delved into why I wrote The Last Best Cure, the science behind it, and how I hope it can help readers with chronic conditions. You can listen to the entire show by clicking on the podcast at this link: http://wypr.org/post/last-best-cure.

photo of dogs with glasses reading
My writing companions, Ashlie and Winnie

This photo has nothing to do with this show — I am just reposting it here because I like it and it makes me smile!

3 Responses

  1. Tis a wonderful photo indeed….
    the love that is expressed by these beautiful innocent creatures…
    We who have so much more potential than they do are only limited by our doubts, anxieties, fears, and righteous indignations which in turn generate substances which our bodies have to work overtime to clean up and in the process leave us ( the guests in our bodies ) exhausted , confused and eventually ill…..
    As you have discovered , that path is reversible…
    Best wishes to all,
    Jacques Bessin

  2. Thanks for posting the link to this show. I just shared it with a Facebook group parents, mostly mothers, of adolescents in the DC region who have been diagnosed with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). Great interview!

    1. Thank you Norm, I hope they find it helpful, please let them know that one of my issues is vasovagal syncope, which emerged when I was a teenage girl. I know how hard it can be.

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